This body is the primary decision body of the NTA. It consists of the COs of all Tiger Squadrons, or their designated representatives / DetCo’s, with voting rights only for full members. It is responsible for the Organization and supervision of the NTA. It conducts all business deemed necessary and feasible.
This body usually does its business in between Tiger Assembly meetings. It consists of the COs of four squadrons as follows: two permanent members (31 Smd BAF and TaktLwg 51 GAF) and two rotating members (the last and next tiger meet hosts). In the event that 31 Smaldeel or TaktLwG 51 are next and/or last host, we’ll use the last before the last as needed. It has the authority to make any time-critical decisions on its own.
The CO of the next NTM Host squadron chairs both boards. He will arrange the changeover of duties when the reports/minutes of the last NTM are published.

Consists of usually senior officers, active or retired, with rich tiger experience and continued willingness to serve. This Board, with the approval of the TA, chooses one advisor to be named senior advisor, who then coordinates board activities. The members serve as advisors, are the keepers of traditions, tracks council actions, devises suggested agendas, and acts as the "corporate memory" of the NTA. The AB, along with the Chairman, supervises the activities of the NTA Public Relations Officer and the NTA Webmaster. The AB serves at the pleasure of the TA. The chairman usually invites AB members to sit in on meetings. AB members try to attend all tiger activities. They do not vote at Assembly or Council meetings.

Consists of several hard working tigers that work all year round for the community. They are our photographers, webmaster, art director, business manager, logistics officer. The make-up may vary slightly from meet to meet. This team came into being as we slowly got into the book producing business.